Nova Raider
Nova Raider Free2Play
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Nova Raider F2P
Free to play Space Shooter MMO
Web Browser, Windows, iOS devices
Starting out life as an inexperienced pilot of your very own fighter ship players will explore various galaxies filled with enemies, aliens and space pirates. Choosing from five primary different class ships players can customise them, unlocking new gear as they level up as well as gaining access to new features. Nova Raider can be accessed across multiple platforms and is a completely free to play space MMO.
- Five different classes to choose
- Full weapon and gear customisation
- Numerous galaxies to discover and explore
- Tackle huge Boss threats for great reward
- Fight against players from across the world in exciting PVP combat
- Create or join a Guild
- Cross-platform compatibility
- Completely free to play
Starting out life as an inexperienced pilot of your very own fighter ship players will explore various galaxies filled with enemies, aliens and space pirates. Choosing from five primary different class ships players can customise them, unlocking new gear as they level up as well as gaining access to new features. Nova Raider can be accessed across multiple platforms and is a completely free to play space MMO.
Once players reach level 8 they will have the option of choosing their designated ship class, each ship having its own array of ship statistics, which will make them better suited towards certain tasks and roles:
Tank - robust and heavily armoured ships utilising heavy shields they are a formidable opponents that can absorb a huge amount of firepower as well as using unique jamming techniques by dropping EMP bombs, though are limited with their attack power
Raiders - trading speed and attack power for defences the Raider gets to their prey quickly, takes them out and gets out of the battle before the enemy has the chance to retaliate; they have the most advanced weaponry available to them but their low defences mean they are extremely vulnerable
Support - not built for front line attacks, neither towards taking damage nor dishing out, the Support is best utilised as a companion to work alongside other players keeping them buffed and healed up as well as dealing with hostile drones
Trader - a savvy Trader will try to avoid combat altogether, most often employed by players in a group or Guild where they have other players able to protect them; these ships have the highest capacity for collecting resources and minerals and so can make more money long-term
Balanced - players have the option of simply playing a Balanced ship, lacking prowess in any of the main ship qualities (Attack, Defense, Support, Trade) they are well-balanced as the name suggests and so have no major vulnerabilities either
There are a variety of resources that players must gather in the game:
Minerals - found floating around space players can pick these minerals up and either sell them or, once they have gathered enough, convert them into powerful gems
Gems - made from minerals gems have various passive benefits associated with them and players can equip them to their own ships, switching them in and out as the situation demands increasing firepower, critical chances, defences and more
Uranium - gained in a variety of different ways Uranium is the main currency used to purchase new ships, fund research to unlock new technology, resupply and repair your own ship and more
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