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MU Classic

MU Classic Free2Play

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MU Classic F2P


Free-to-play MMORPG


Web browsers




Delve into an exciting fantasy world where we will have the task of defeating an army of powerful demons and monsters that threaten the humans of the continent. In the game we have a huge variety of classes, weapons, gear and accessories, PvP and PvE events, and all the classic features of a MMORPG as form groups or use social chats.


Choose between five different classes
Explore the huge continent of MU
Fight in exciting battles against monsters and bosses
Compete against players from around the world
Acquire weapons and armor to strengthen your characters
Browser MMO


The continent of MU is under the threat of a growing army of demons after years of prosperity and peace. Humans were only able to find safe refuge within the towns and cities where the Demons are unable to enter. Now the heroes will have to answer the call, stop the threat, and restore peace to the continent.


MU Classic is a traditional RPG, where the players are the protagonists of the story, choosing among five different classes, completing quests, advancing through the history of the game, meeting new characters, getting gear and gaining experience to level up. As players level up they'll unlock new areas and game systems, both PvE and PvP, acquire weapons and artefacts to aid them and gain access to a variety of features and functions to give them more utility, options and content.


MU Classic has five distinct classes, each with their own skills and talents, giving them different options when it comes to fighting in PvE and PvP:

Blade Knight - Armed with a huge sword, this character is able to inflict an enormous amount of physical damage to their opponents. You can focus on enhancing their strength to execute more powerful attacks, or his agility to attack more quickly.

Soul Master - This powerful arcane sorcerer is able to use powerful spells to damage their opponents or support their allies.

Muse Elf - This Archer is capable of annihilating their enemies with ranged physical attacks, and use support skills as summon beasts or heal teammates.

Magic Gladiator - This character is very skilled with weapons and spells. This class is unlocked at higher levels.

Darklord - This figure inspires fear and terror in the hearts of the bravest men, and is able to summon dark beings that fight for him. This class can be unlocked reaching high levels.


Combat is automated, although players can control their characters if they want. Combat typically occurs through PVE as players advance the ongoing quest chain or tackle some of the events such as defeating World Bosses; or alternatively fighting against other players in Guild battles or in the open world with a full functioning PK/PVP system.


The players can focus on getting powerful Armors, weapons, and items to improve the skills and attributes of their characters. Looted from a variety of events, monsters and Bosses many items can be further improved and upgraded to make them even more powerful.


Internet browser

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