Knight's Fable
Knight's Fable Free2Play
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Knight's Fable F2P
Knight's Fable is a free MMO roleplaying game where players must create the strongest hero possible, leveling up and unlocking new game features and everything is playable on the browser.
- Four different characters
- High quality visuals
- Build up your hero party with skills , gear, companions
- Multiple PVP features
- Fast-paced combat
- Complete events and gain rewards
- Free to play on your browser
The Magi - a female character able to cast spells with huge destructive capabilities using magic focused attacks
The Knight - a male character who shines with his defensive prowess and high armour
The Spiritus - a female support class able to buff her party members and debuff enemy opponents
The Fighter - a male combatant with high dexterity and attack power for doing high-level the damage to enemies
Battle Shrine – players can fight each other on 1on1 combats and try out their hero party, combined skills, gear, and everything to fine tune them and get better, hence going up the ranks. Players can battle in the Shrine 15 times a day and receiving rewards in the chance to move up the ranking system and earn prestige and glory
Alliance Wars - accessible by those players who have join an Alliance/Guild, if the Guild is at rank two they can go up against other Guilds in a battle to take over a keep by starting with a combat outside its walls and then an inner city fight to try and finally take over to keep. Huge prizes are available to those who successfully claim victory
Heroes can be acquired on the tavern, although they are random cards and players never know what's going to pop up. Then there is the Hero Totems mechanic allowing players to increase the BR of his heroes, health points, attack and defence.
Players can also add “beasts“ to their party by recovering shard fragments and trade them in to get companions such as the Slavemaster Demon, or the Corpse Commander,.
The game focuses on players getting new heroes and beasts, and developing them, by upgrading their gear, getting new skills and so on, eventually getting better and climbing up the ladder, this improvement can be noticed on the Battle Ranking (BR), which is a numerical value which determines whether an opponent is stronger or weaker than you. There are quests and PVP features to keep players entertained bringing new methods to acquire gear and abilities to improve your BR with PVP being a major feature of the endgame content.

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