Heroes and generals
Heroes and generals Free2Play
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Heroes and generals F2P
Heroes & Generals is an online war game with multiple game modes accessible from multiple platforms. Play the game as the hero on the battlefield in the action-packed FPS mode, the officer making the tactical decisions to win the battle or the general commander devising the grand strategy in the RTS mode.
- Online persistent game-world combining first-person action with strategic control.
- Fight the war on foot, in vehicles or from the skies.
- Action: Multiplayer First Person Shooter with several gamemodes.
- One great war with thousands of participants each playing a role in the war.
- Strategy: Action gamemodes feed into the war-server, driving the strategic game of battlefield-logistics, supplylines, production of war-material and conquering of land and resources.
- Choose to join the US or the German faction and fight for your country.
- Specialize your character(s) to become a hero or rise to become a commander of armies.
This is where the ‘Heroes' are doing the fighting on the ground and in the clouds and is in all its aspects a full blown First Person Shooter, complete with intense infantry, vehicle and airplane combat in a wide variety of modes and missions. As your fully customizable character advances in rank, you might join a small squad of elite soldiers operating behind enemy lines, or fall-in with a larger section fighting an epic battle for a strategic location. What makes this game different to most other Shooters is that every single mission fought in the Action Game, will be a part of one grand war extends all over Europe. At the end of the day the ‘Heroes' will be the deciding factor on who will win the war. The ‘Heroes' will look to their ‘Generals', to send them the needed reinforcement and supplies that they need, to win those strategic important battles!
The Campaign is the strategic part of Heroes & Generals. In the Campaign ‘Generals' will control a number of Assault Teams, fighting for either the US or the German faction, and move them around the campaign map in order to conquer specific location such as cities, airfields, factories and other important strategic points. When two or more hostile Assault Teams attack each other, a mission is created in the mission list, and players from each side can join and play it out. The Assault Teams carries an amount of resources, which will be the ones available in the Action game, and all kills in the Action-game will be reflected in the Campaign itself. The ‘Generals' can also add reinforcements to an ongoing battle, so your troops on the battlefield will get more resources instantly.
In Heroes & General you can choose to join the US or the German faction. Once you have chosen it, your game account will be locked to that faction for the rest of the current war. When the war has been concluded and one faction stands victorious, a new war will begin and it's then when you can choose to remain on the same faction, or switch to the other one.
Heroes & Generals uses the Free2Play model. You can get a great experience playing the game, no matter how much money you spend! There is an in-game economy, where you earn in-game credits for being active in the game, by playing FPS-missions and/or handling Assault Teams.
Credits can be used for personal stuff like buying characters, additional characters slots, specializing/customizing your characters and modifying weapons. The game also offers a Premium Subscription to accommodate wishes of having an all-inclusive package, where you earn in-game credits, ribbons and badges at an increased rate, all your characters can wear two combat badges, and more!

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