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Fiesta Online

Fiesta Online Free2Play

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Fiesta Online F2P

Fiesta Online is f2p 3D MMORPG developed by Ons On Soft for Windows with more than 2 Million players around the globe. The game is now available for European players in 4 different languages: English, German, French and Spanish.

Highlighted features
- Sharp Comic 3D look
- Extensive Guild-Support - PVE and PVP Gameplay
- Multiple quests for single adventurers or parties
- Unique character development based on four classes
- Huge fantasy world with deep level of detail
- Easy to learn but hard to master


Archers have command over a wide range of skills including the ability to invoke the forces of nature for protection.

The warrior is utterly fearless, brings immense strength and hand-to-hand combat experience that makes them the centre of any band of players.

The energy of Isya flows through the Mage, and it can be channelled into their perplexing magic spells.

Clerics support their companions with the healing Power of Light and can annihilate their enemies just by summoning the Anger of Goddess Teva. The combination of magical healing and mystical attack makes Clerics an indispensable class to any band of fighters.


With some in-game money, you can buy a ‘Mover’ – a animal or a device you can ride around the Fiesta Online world. Of course It is a lot faster than walking – but in order to use such devices you need to obtain riding skills from a Skill Master and the movers themselves from an Item Merchant.


You’ll see huge mushrooms all over the Fiesta Online world and you can live in them! These are called “Minihouses” and resting in these small abodes allows you to regenerate your HP (Hit Point) and SP (Spirit Point) levels, essential for a swift combat pace. You should take care in placing your minihouse, as you can still be attacked whilst resting inside.


Weapons are customisable in Fiesta Online – you can even enhance their effectiveness against certain types of enemy. To do so, you need one or more ‘Weapon Licences’ for your weapon – up to 3 licenses per weapon. You can licence your weapon for use against particular opponents, improving its effectiveness against them.


In Fiesta Online, each and every player can become a wheeler-dealer by opening their own shop to buy and sell items.


OS: Windows XP / Vista / 2000
Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce MX or equivalent
CPU: 1.6 GHz Pentium 4 or equivalent AMD processor
HDD: 3.0 GB Free
RAM: 512MB Free

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